Top 5 Lead Data Enrichment Tools

    Lead data enrichment tools help you gather more information about your customers or potential customers. When properly used, they are a powerful instrument that can boost your revenue through intelligent prospecting and sales.

    A common use case is to set up an automatical lead enrichment to a CRM system. When a new contact is created (or updated), it's run by the enrichment tool and in case a match is found, the information is population to the corresponding fields. This can be achieved by leveraging lead enrichment API that most of the tools provide.

    Here's an unordered list of lead data enrichment tools we think are the best, as well as some information on them.

    1. FullContact


    FullContact is a widely used lead enrichment tool with some high-profile customers. Overall they provide multiple services related to lead enrichment that can be used in your marketing, sales or customer care operations.

    Pricing starts with 1000 free matches and $499 per month with 50,000 matches for Self-Serve plan (which is $0.01 per match). It provides either contact or company data. You can get more with custom pricing.

    2. Clearbit


    Clearbit Enrichment allows both person and company search. Based on an email or domain you can match it to a full person or company information page.

    They also provide Clearbit Reveal that is used to identify web traffic based on IP address or other data, as well as Clearbit Prospect for contact and company list generation based on your interests.

    You can request a custom pricing plan or use $99 per month startup plan. It's claimed to have a database of over 200 millon contacts, and over 20 millon companies.

    3. Pipl


    Pipl provides a service and an API for identity search and verification. There are two separate parts: Pipl Search and Pipl API. People Search is used for manual work and research, while the API is used for automatic identity search.

    The pricing is also separate, with API feature starting from $0.10 per contact match.

    4. People Data Labs


    People Data Labs provides a very simple API for lead data matching. The API response either returns no match, or a single person found. A cool thing is a possibility to search on multiple different sets of fields, e. g. first name and last name, address, etc.

    Pricing starts with 1000 free matches followed by $0.30 per match, with discounts for high-volume customers. You can also download a free list of over 7 million companies.

    According to the website, thay have information about over 1.5 billion people, including close to 260 million in the US.

    5. Oxydata


    Oxydata provides a search of people and companies. They claim to have 380 million people profiles and 14 million company profiles across the world.

    Apart from people and company searches, they also provide general and custom data extraction based on your data points using search engine scraping.

    There's no public pricing information. They claim to serve over 20 million requests per day.

    Enrich through SyncPenguin

    SyncPenguin can be used to enrich your leads or contacts using any of the lead enrichment APIs.

    Our developers will develop a connector to your preferable CRM or any other business tool according to your requirements. After the connector is created, the real-time enrichment job can be run, managed and monitored on our dashboard.

    Contact us if you'd like to learn more.