How to Sync Office 365, Microsoft Teams or Exchange Meetings Between or Inside Organizations?

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    Organization calendar sync

    If you run a company and use Office 365, Microsoft Teams, or Exchange on-premise, you might need to sync employees' calendar meetings or appointments with the corresponding calendars of another tenant/organization. SyncPenguin can help with synchronizations like that. Its flexibility allows a synchronization arrangement of any complexity with ease.

    In this article, we'll explain what you can achieve using our service, and how to do it. If you're not sure whether what you're looking for can be achieved or not, please feel free to contact us directly to discuss details.

    What can be synced?

    SyncPenguin allows two-way synchronization of appointments or meetings between pairs of calendars. The sync fully supports recurring meetings, attendees, and attachments, as well as any other fields used in events. You also have an option to migrate (transfer) already scheduled meetings from one calendar to another before starting your sync.

    It's also possible to customize the sync, in case some information has to be redacted or excluded, or sync behavior changed. Feel free to contact us for requests like that.

    How to set up the sync?

    The sync is created and managed from our very simple SyncPenguin dashboard.

    We explain in much detail how to create and use the sync for a pair of Office 365 calendars in this article.

    Setting up for multiple employees

    Once you have a sync created in SyncPenguin, the next step is to create a sync account for each employee. Each such sync account represents a pair of calendars synced. You can create new accounts by clicking 'New synced pair' on the sync page.

    If you have a large number of employee calendars to sync, it's key to organize sync configuration in a convenient and fast way, while respecting employees' private information. Most probably you wouldn't want to ask your employees for passwords, or have each employee approach you and enter their credentials manually.

    SyncPenguin offers two ways of addressing the issue:

    1. Impersonation

    Impersonation can be used to allow an admin account to act on behalf of employees. This way, the admin can sign in to his own Office 365 account in SyncPenguin, and also specify the Impersonation username field in sync account Access & Settings. This username should (in most cases) be equal to the email address of the impersonated user.

    Note that you first have to configure impersonation on the Office 365 or Exchange side.

    1. Share sign in link

    The Sign In button you see in SyncPenguin Access & Settigs section can be shared with other employees. This way, the admin can send this link to each employee and they can Sign In and allow access to their calendars. You can copy the button link by right-clicking and copying the link.

    Note that after an employee finishes the authorization process, he/she will be redirected back to SyncPenguin and asked to log in. This can simply be ignored, as all information has already entered the system.

    Contact us

    Thanks for reading!

    Feel free to contact us in case of question about the service. We're always happy to help πŸ˜ƒ

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