How to Sync Contacts Between Two Google or Gmail Accounts?

    The problem

    You have two Google or Gmail accounts, and you wish to (possibly two-way) sync contacts between them? In this article we'll show you how to solve your problem in just a couple of minutes using SyncPenguin platform.

    Let's start!

    1. Sign up

    The first step is to sign up and log in to the SyncPenguin Dashboard. That's the place where you create, monitor and manage your synchronizations.

    2. Create contacts sync

    The next step is to create the sync in the Synchronization section of the dashboard by clicking the plus 'Add' button. You'll see a wizard page, where you need to follow three steps of the sync creation:

    • Select the first data source (Google Contacts in our case)
    • Select the other data source (also Google Contacts)
    • Specify the name and click Create

    sync sizard

    3. Sign in to Google

    We are almost there. The next step is to allow SyncPenguin access to both of your Google accounts in Access & Settings sections that you'll see on the sync page. To do that, expand the corresponding access panel, click the 'Sign In' button and authenticate your Google account through OAuth.

    sign in to your Google accounts

    4. Test and start the sync

    That's it! Well, almost. The last thing, of course, is to test your connection and start the sync itself.

    In order to do that just click the 'Trigger sync' button. This schedules a sync job that you'll see in the logs section at the bottom of the page.

    run sync for an account

    Note that this doesn't sync any contacts yet. The first sync is just used to test the connection - after a couple of moments you should see a blue 'Initialized' in the status column.

    the status of sync run

    Now you can test the sync itself. Go ahead and create a test contact in one of the Google accounts, and click 'Trigger sync' once again. You should see the contact synced on the other account you specified. Great! (If you want to sync already existing contacts, check out the migration section below.)

    The last step is to configure and start your sync. You can configure three basic things:

    • How often the sync is triggered (Sync period)
    • The direction of the sync (two-way or one-way)
    • Whether delete events should be synced as well

    Make sure you click the Save button once you're done.

    Then just click the 'Start periodic sync' button and your scheduled sync has started! Well done!

    configure your sync

    In case anything went wrong and you're not sure what, feel free to contact us.

    Migrate already existing contacts database

    By default, the sync is incremental. It means that it syncs all newly created or updated contacts.

    But, of course, it's possible to sync existing contacts as well. Here's how you can do it:

    1. Pause the sync (if you've already started it).
    2. Click 'Migrate existing data'.
    3. Among available tabs, choose the All tab.
    4. Choose the direction of the sync.
    5. Hit the Migrate button.

    Your migration is now scheduled! You can watch the status in the logs section at the bottom of the page.


    This article explained how you can quickly configure sync of contacts between two Google accounts. If you have any questions, visit our website or feel free to contact us directly. And remember: with our platform, it always possible to customize the sync so that it fits your needs, whatever they are.